(357 words) The character of each person determines his future fate. Some of us, like thin branches of willow, bend from a gust of wind, while others, like strong iron rods, are not so easy to break. One of the first can be attributed to the hero of the famous socio-psychological novel F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", a former petty official Semyon Marmeladov.
Marmeladov can be called one of the most important characters in the work. With the help of this hero, the author teaches the reader important life lessons. And the most important is the lesson called "self-esteem." Respect for yourself is a guarantee of respect for you from the people around you. Often professional psychologists talk about this. F.M. Dostoevsky is considered a skilled master in the study of human souls. That is why, based on the example of Marmeladov, we can understand how important it is to see the personality in ourselves, to love and appreciate our efforts, merits and life in general.
Marmeladov’s acquaintance with the main character of the novel Rodion Raskolnikov became for the second a catalyst for internal changes. The story of a drunkard and far from the most exemplary family man touched the soul of a student disappointed in life. Raskolnikov is even more convinced of the injustice of this world, he decides for himself to eradicate all the sources of greed and evil that surround people. Of course, in the future this leads the hero to fatal mistakes, but a good start was made: the young man helped the Marmeladov family, secretly leaving a little money.
The story of the former titular adviser is an example of human behavior and attitude to what is happening around. From the hero’s monologue, the following important rules should be emphasized in order to prevent the same mistakes as Semyon Marmeladov’s. So, in no case do not need to be too sorry for yourself. Such an attitude towards oneself can become a stumbling block on the path to personal growth and happiness. It is a feeling of compassion for oneself that does not allow a man to cope with his ailment - drunkenness. He himself explains to Raskolnikov that he drinks only because he sees his own grief at the bottom of the glass.
The head of the Marmeladov family cannot be called an absolutely hopeless and weak person. The hero quite often hears the voice of his own conscience and even listens to it. This is evidenced by his repeated, albeit unsuccessful, attempts to fix everything. However, indecision, fear of defeat leave him at an impasse. Thus, on the example of the character of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" the reader can learn for himself moral lessons, the purpose of which is to help the individual in preserving his human "I".